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30 to 40 Acres of Pasture?


Curious about your product, I raise a small herd of cattle and my fields need some life put back into them. Now how much Chicken Soup for the Soil® covers a square acre and what way(s) would be the best means to apply such a large area an make it the most cost effective?

To your questions I have between 35 to 40 acres of pasture land. Having a dozen cows on different parts of it during the year. Located in the willamette valley area south of Salem, the soil I would say is of not of the greatest of value lots of clay, thin soil up against shale. I have never conditioned the land or done anything to it at this point.


We recommend applying 30 gallons per acre now in the fall and again after cutting.

Alternatively, make Chicken Soup Compost Tea and apply it to your pasture at a rate of 5 to 10 gallons of Chicken Soup per acre. Click Here for similar story on alfalfa.

Click Here for Chicken Soup Compost Tea instructions.



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